What is the Total Supply of Baby Doge Coin? 420 Quadrillion or 840 Quadrillion? Explained

Baby Doge
Baby Doge

There has been a lot of confusion regarding the total supply of baby doge coin, since the 50 quadrillion Baby Doge coins were burned on the Ethereum chain.

The fact that the burn occurred from the Ethereum total supply and many Baby Doge coin holders were unaware of the Baby Doge Ethereum supply caused a lot of misunderstanding for them.

Twitter user baybydogeburn_ posted a series of tweets in an effort to clarify things after receiving criticism for disclosing the baby doge’s total supply.

One of the most popular meme cryptocurrencies, Baby Doge, is available on the BEP-20 and ERC-20 chains. Since the majority of the currency’s holders are on the BEP-20 chain and the coin was initially launched on that network, many users incorrectly believed that the entire supply was solely on the BNB chain. Additionally, the majority of well-known websites, such CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap, only show BEP-20 supply. Which is untrue given that the coin is also launched on the ERC-20 chain in November 2021, about six months after its BEP-20 chain launch.

Some people believed that there is a cross chain bridge involved between BEP-20 and ERC-20 baby doge coins, However, this is not true because the ERC-20 tokens were minted independently of the BEP-20 supply and not through any cross-chain bridge.

The overall coin supply for Baby Doge is 840 quadrillion, or 420 quadrillion coins on the BEP-20 chain and the same amount on the ERC-20 chain. Of this total, more than 424 quadrillion tokens have been burned on both the chains combined, which means the current baby doge circulating supply is approximately 416 quadrillion.

Baby Doge burn details can be found here- https://www.crypteye.io/burntracker/coins/baby-doge-coin

Baby Doge is the most held coin on BNB chain with over 1.5 million holders. It also has a total of 3726 holders on ERC-20 chain. Baby Doge Coin has a total of 1,586,280 holders on both the chains.

Baby Doge holder information can be tracked here- https://www.crypteye.io/holdertracker/coins/baby-doge-coin

  1. Hi, I totally understand you, so if we have 416 q token left, do you think is it enough to burn just like 3 or 4 q per month?? And I calculated total of hourly and daily burn token per year is almost 3 q . To be honest that much burn is like nothing for this much supply token. Please burn 20 q per month and 50 q for every babydoge birthday. That’s will effect and increase the price and then get attention from other exchange and investors.✌️✌️🍀🍀

    1. The burning should have taken place on both networks. But I agree with Shahrad asadi’s suggestion.

  2. The burning should have taken place on both networks. But I agree with Shahrad asadi’s suggestion.

  3. You are not understanding hiw it works. There are 6q currently on eth that have been bridged. So there are onky 6q circulating on eth. The eth “vault” and burn don’t affect anything. If I bridge 1 token, it gets taken out of circulation on bsc and 1 token comes put of eth vault and added to circulation. Thanks for all the hate you’re causing bc you don’t understand how it works.

  4. voluptas odit rerum ex aut explicabo ut. fugiat voluptatem voluptatum voluptatum consectetur nulla. ut neque hic labore error officia odit enim veritatis distinctio qui cupiditate velit voluptas et dolore facere reprehenderit voluptas consectetur quae. quia commodi culpa ut. sed dolorem sunt harum sed occaecati quo voluptatibus quia dolores ea suscipit enim veritatis ut aut.

  5. deserunt aperiam est cumque voluptas saepe velit sunt provident nisi nesciunt. ut maiores aperiam quasi necessitatibus provident doloribus laborum sed inventore. repellat enim quis harum rerum vitae ipsam quo rerum laudantium eum et nemo magnam. magni animi officiis consectetur consectetur quia ducimus mollitia ab.

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